Eventbrite link:
Please note that only current members are able to vote at the AGM. Members who have not renewed their memberships and people who wish to join will be unable to vote if they have not done so by 26 July. If you don’t know whether your membership is current or not, please contact the treasurer at treasurer @ bi-alliance.org.
The current agenda is as follows:
- Welcome
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Attendance and Apologies
- Confirmation of Previous Minutes
- Treasurer Report and Financial Report
- Election of Committee
- Discussion and Vote on Proposed Rule Changes (for details see below)
- General Business
- Meeting Close
Please reply to this email, or email info @ bi-alliance.org directly to add any items to the agenda for discussion by 29 July 2021.
To nominate as a general committee member (5 vacancies) or for the positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, or Secretary, please email your nomination to info @ bi-alliance.org. Our rules require that nominations are signed by two members of BAV (one of whom can be the person nominating) and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate. These signatures can definitely be digital, and current committee members are happy to sign nominations - just let us know if that’s something you need.
Nomination forms are below
If you have any questions about what being on committee or a particular position involves, or what information to include with your nomination, please reply to this email!
Nominations will close on 29 July 2021.
Nominations from the floor will be accepted for any positions that remain vacant at the time of the AGM.
The Zoom meeting will have AI captions available (provided by otter.ai), and all attendees will be asked to display the pronouns they are comfortable sharing with the group. There is no requirement to have your camera on. For voting purposes, we will need you to include the same name as your membership as your screen name (or to confirm with the committee prior to the meeting that you are using an alias).
If you have other accessibility needs, please let us know what they are and we will do our best to accomodate you.